Genie from the Bottle

It’s been more than 10 years that this wine is in the shelf with no one cared to buy. I wonder why. Probably, shoppers weren’t familiar of the brand or simply they weren’t wine connoisseurs.

It’s Liquore Galliano. And based on my research, the brand was created on 1896 by Italian distiller Arturo Vaccari and named it after an Italian war hero Giuseppe Galliano. It has odd bottle shape that looks like a pillar of an old building, which caught my eyes and tickled my fingertips to outline something more like it.

I couldn’t resist my impulse, so I asked my boss if he could let me take care of the decade-old sealed bottle. And he did not disappoint me. I immediately brought my new baby home. In my room, I stared it for, like, an hour visualizing things with the bottle. It brought me to imagine an infrastructure with façade columns resembling the bottle, or a lighthouse, or even a tree trunk. But, it was always the dress concept that wins the mind battle.

Thirty minutes later, a fashion illustration was born. I realized that I have sketched on a long dress with statuesque silhouette filled with lines and pleats. I just added a bow as neckpiece to accentuate the whole dress. Here it is:

I am not certain if people would like the design. What I am certain is that it’s my creation and I happen to love all of what my hands have laid out. So, for people to judge it, I am sharing this ‘Genie’ from the bottle.


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